태그등록자 수: 2명

178 팔로워
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4,219 트윗

Seungchul, Lee @stbaram

MBPro17, Galaxy Tab, iphone3gs, ipad, MBPro15, MacMini, D70s, X61, Escape R3, ProFire610, BX5a, MC Transport

171 followings

0 팔로워
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0 트윗

SeolLee @snow22222

Romantic harmony and understanding of IT securities system, the core professionalist. ITDang#109 ITSM / AutoCamping, BoatFishing

0 followings

오랫만에 트윗 접속했네요 요즈음은 페묵을 주로해서...
2011년 10월 10일에 TweetDeck에서
