태그등록자 수: 3명

30 팔로워
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222 트윗

quesaisju @quesaisju

1/3 Lawyer, 1/3 Bureaucrat, 1/3 Diplomat.

19 followings - The end of Banana Wars? Old disputes never reach a settlement; they just hang around it.
2011년 02월 10일에 Chromed Bird에서

0 팔로워
+0 new
12 트윗

Kim Minok @Kimminok

Hi my name is Kim Minok nice to meet you I'm south korean now, law student Have a nice day!

2 followings

3 팔로워
+0 new
0 트윗

혜진 @Ashesofluv_


3 followings

@moc1013 으악전그래서어음수표법안들었어요...흑흑
2010년 10월 16일에 Twitter for Android에서
